Prom night was fun! LOL. At least, we ( xh, en ci and me ) made the best out of it. We trios were acting so weird initially but.... who cares? We started to take photos and the dinner was great. Just that.... no rice!!! how can. I was so hungry. LOL.
Anyway, the event log was great. Lots of fun and laughter and the performance was great. THough every one was busy taking photo. I believe en ci must be listening so hard and keen to the live band yesterday right? *winks.
LOL. Dr. tan was there yesterday and we took photos with him. Well, i was slightly taller than him but he dont mind. Thats great. lol
The photo outcome of xh and allen was funny. Cos he look more like xh's daddy. XH agreed on this view too! lol.
Well, and a very nice very nice photo that i took for en ci and her star star. But en ci, you say the backview is fine with you right? I took two. One with the side view. Its good. lol YOu can photo shot it. lol
Well, its definitely fun and an experience to earn. But it would be even more fun with he whole class. Nah.... its ok. But it was pretty awkward for the three of us when ppl kept asking: where's the rest of the class?
En ci will always point at us : The rest of the class.
Right, saw a lot of friends that i didnt expect they will go. LOL but we still took photos. Show in the next post.
:) Thanks xh, en ci for the great night.
Thanks sister and alice jie jie, for lettin your sister know that she can be pretty :)
Dawson time!
Happy smile :)
Just had my meal - satisfied
Take noteof the plastic bags on the floor.... Dawson threw them and he is looking at his master piece.
Dawson: iM gonna get scolded again! help me !